In co-operation with Dassault Systèmes
Selected large organisations that use CATIA V5 & CATIA V6 as their group engineering platform have created a range of special CATIA configurations for use by their supply-chain. The following list outlines the offers available and the participating companies. If you believe you may be eligible for one of the offerings and would like to know more, do not hesitate to contact us.
From a cost perspective, CATIA V5 & V6 supply-chain offerings typically represent a significant saving over the list price of a similarly specified seat. All supply-chain offerings are subject to eligibility.
These configurations equip the supplier with an approved toolset for optimal compatibility with the OEM’s engineering procedures.
Predefined CATIA packages available to all Airbus Suppliers, requires self-certification by customer.
Predefined CATIA Express packages available to all automotive suppliers.
Predefined CATIA packages for use solely on ITER project.
Predefined CATIA Express packages available to a limited list of Nokia suppliers.